Easthampton Fish and Game is hosting .22 Rimfire “Lollipop” matches this summer. Bring your “squirrel gun” and see how well you can do! 1st prize will be a cash award of one-half of the proceeds of the match.
Date: Saturday, May 30th. (Future events to be determined)
Event Time: Sign-in and bench/relay assignment at 10:00 a.m.
(No sign-ins allowed after 10:45 a.m.)
First Relay commences promptly at 11:00 a.m.
Cost: $10.00 / participant.
Younger shooters must possess a valid FID, or be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Prize: 1st Place wins one-half of the proceeds from the match.
(e.g. If there are 5 participants, proceeds = $50.00. Winner gets $25.00 - $25.00 goes to the Club.)
Course of Fire:
15 lollipops at 50 yards, shot from the bench. Lollipops will be shot in 3 Rounds.
Five (5) lollipops per Round in 5 minutes with a maximum of ten (10) .22 long rifle cartridges.
Rifle Requirements:
Stock Factory .22 long rifle rimfire. Maximum 9X scope.
No custom barrels. No custom triggers,
Exceptions will be made for custom 10/22 Ruger or other semi-auto rifles.
No .22 Magnum or .17 rimfire permitted.
No front or rear rest allowed. Bipods or provided wood blocks can be used.
All rifles must be range safe; either with the bolt removed, or a flag inserted
in the chamber.
Range Safety:
Range safety rules will be strictly enforced during this event.
Safety rules specific to this event will be explained before the match.