Your Assistance Is Needed
Safety is our first priority at Easthampton Fish and Game. Eye and ear protection is required at all times on the lower 30, 100 and 200 ranges. Along with the adherence to our basic shooting safety rules, there is also a concern that these ranges may be in the shot fall areas from certain stations on the skeet field!
With this in mind, the membership at the March meeting voted
to install an audible and visual signal at the lower ranges, with a switch
located at the skeet field. This alarm system will alert individuals shooting
on the lower ranges that the skeet field is in use.
The cost of this project is estimated to be $2317.79.
This estimate does not cover the labor to install the new system. Labor will need to
be contributed by members. Without your support this project will not be accomplished. This could possibly lead to closing of one of these fields when the other is in use.
Contributions of money and time for this project are
respectfully requested. Please help as much as you are able by giving a call to Dave Parker at 413-527-1571
With sincere thanks for your support,
The Easthampton Fish and Game Board of Directors