Easthampton Fish and Game is hosting a .22 Rimfire “Lollipop” match on Saturday, September 26th. Bring your “squirrel gun” and see how well you can do! 1st prize will be a cash award of one-third of the proceeds of the match.
Date: Saturday, September 26th. (Future events to be determined)
Event Time: Sign-in and bench/relay assignment at 9:00 a.m. (No sign-ins allowed after 9:45 a.m.) First Relay commences promptly at 10:00 a.m.
Cost: $10.00 / participant.
Younger shooters must possess a valid FID, or be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Younger shooters must possess a valid FID, or be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Prize: 1st Place wins one-third of the proceeds from the match. (e.g. If there are 6 participants, proceeds = $60.00. Winner gets $20.00 - $40.00 goes to the Club.)
Course of Fire: 15 lollipops at 50 yards, shot from the bench. Lollipops will be shot in 3 Rounds. A Round is Five (5) lollipops in 5 minutes with a maximum of ten (10) .22 long rifle cartridges.
Firearm Requirements:
- Stock Factory .22 long rifle rimfire. Maximum 9X scope.
- No custom barrels. No custom triggers,
- Exceptions will be made for custom 10/22 Ruger or other semi-auto rifles.
- .22 Rimfire pistols are allowed, but must comply to the same rules as Stock Factory rifles.
- No .22 Magnum or .17 rimfire permitted
- No front or rear rest allowed. Bipods or provided wood blocks can be used.
- All rifles must be range safe; either with the bolt removed, or a flag inserted in the chamber.
Range Safety:
- Range safety rules will be strictly enforced during this event.
- Safety rules specific to this event will be explained before the match.
A complete set of rules will be available at the match and are on the Courses, Activities and Links page of the Easthampton Fish and Game website. or by contacting Michael Gallant - ehfandg@gmail.com,