Saturday, November 24, 2012

Turkey Shoots Great Success - Ham Shoots Coming

The Easthampton Fish and Game membership extends a sincere thank you to all who attended the Turkey Shoots over the past few months. The attendance was remarkable and your support for the club is greatly appreciated. 

Soon you'll have another opportunity to have some fun, win some prizes and support the Easthampton Fish and Game organization.

The "Easter Ham Shoots" start on Sunday, February 3, and continue through March 24. Start time is 11:00 a.m. - All club activities are listed on the Club Calendar.

Come on down to the club and "take your best shot!" 

The Board of Directors and the membership of Easthampton Fish and Game are sincerely grateful for your support.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

October/November EHF&G News

2012 Fall Raffle

  • Smith & Wesson M&P™15 .223 Rifle donated by Smith & Wesson
  • Mossburg 500 Max Flyway 12 Ga Shotgun donated by Mossburg
  • Savage Axis-Xp Combo .308 Cal Rifle donated by Savage Arms
  • Traditions .50 Cal Black Powder Rifle donated by Camfour
  • Plus many other prizes.
Winners do not need to be present to win, but if the first four prize winners are present at the drawing, they will have their pick of the prize guns

Ticket blocks will be mailed to members the week of October 8th. You can also get tickets at the Tuesday night Membership meetings, or at the club in the evenings. If you post a comment here or send us an email and we'll get in touch with you.

The drawing will be after the final Turkey Shoot on Sunday, November 18th.

Turkey shoots
Turkey shoots that started on September 16 will  continue to run until the Sunday before Thanksgiving

Prizes are turkeys, hams pork roast, spoon roast with Special Rounds mixed in...
Each round shot per target is $2.00 each except Special Rounds.

We need your support:
  • Projects that need to be worked on include:
  • Regrading the driveway
  • Installing alarm system for skeet and lower ranges
  • The coin machine for the trap field is currently being assembled

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Turkey Shoots - Fall 2012

Fall Turkey Shoots on Sundays At 11:00 am
Easthampton Fish & Game, Rt.10 Southampton
Every Sunday - Sept. 16 - Nov. 18
On November 18th, there will be a turkey dinner with all the fixins, and a "Raffle".

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Improvements in Safety Features Continue at Easthampton Fish & Game

Your Assistance Is Needed

Safety is our first priority at Easthampton Fish and Game. Eye and ear protection is required at all times on the lower 30, 100 and 200 ranges. Along with the adherence to our basic shooting safety rules, there is also a concern that these ranges may be in the shot fall areas from certain stations on the skeet field!

With this in mind, the membership at the March meeting voted to install an audible and visual signal at the lower ranges, with a switch located at the skeet field. This alarm system will alert individuals shooting on the lower ranges that the skeet field is in use.

The cost of this project is estimated to be $2317.79.

This estimate does not cover the labor to install the new system. Labor will need to be contributed by members. Without your support this project will not be accomplished. This could possibly lead to closing of one of these fields when the other is in use.

Contributions of money and time for this project are respectfully requested. Please help as much as you are able by giving a call to Dave Parker at 413-527-1571 

With sincere thanks for your support,
The Easthampton Fish and Game Board of Directors

Friday, April 20, 2012

First IR 50/50 Rimfire Match Saturday 4/21

The first of 6 sanctioned USRA IR 50/50 rimfire matches will be held on Saturday, April 21st.

The morning match with be a 3-Gun Match: Sporter, 10.5 lb and 13.5 lb classes. Front and rear rests are required for this match The target is a 50 yards with 25 bulls to be shot for score within 30 minutes.

After a break for lunch, the Unlimited Matches will commence. UL-1, UL-2 and UL-3 can be shot with any .22 rimfire rifle. One piece rests are legal in these matches. The target is 50 yards with 25 bulls to be shot for score within 20 minutes.

These matches are sanctioned by the United States Rimfire Association and scores from Saturday's matches will be submitted to the national headquarters for inclusion in the compilation of results from across the United States.

You can find more information about USRA IR 50/50 at the IR 50/0 website.

Everyone is welcome. If you are new to the sport and would like to start at an easier pace, we will be offering the 50/50 FunFire targets. The bulls are a little larger. These targets will not be counted in the national standings, but they will give you an opportunity to try out your favorite .22 rimfire rifle in a very challenging sport.

Even if you're not interested in shooting in the match, drop down and meet some wonderful folks.

If you have any questions, or would like more information, please contact Michael Gallant.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Your Suggestions and Comments are welcome!

Do you have an idea that will make Easthampton Fish & Game a more enjoyable place to participate in the shooting sports?

Do you have a comment that you want to share with the rest of the membership?

Is there something you would like to see on the Easthampton Fish & Game website?

Click on "COMMENTS" below and share your thoughts.

Due to the nature of the openess of this blog, your comments will be screened for content that is not appropriate to Easthampton Fish & Game.

New Safety Initiative at Easthampton Fish & Game - Your help is needed.

In keeping with the on-going commitment to range safety at Easthampton Fish & Game, the membership voted at the March 13th meeting to install  "hot range" warning lights and signs at the lower ranges to indicate when the upper Skeet range is being used.

The warning lights would be switched on by shooters on the upper Skeet range when a round is beginning. The warning indicates that there is a possibility that some pellets in the Skeet Range Shot Zone will fall onto the lower rifle ranges. It is incumbent upon the shooters on the lower ranges to wear eye protection and headwear (e.g. ball cap).

Although the safety rules for the lower ranges have always specified that eye and ear protection are required when using these facilities, the membership decided that the extra step of the Skeet Range warning light would add yet another level of safety for our members.

Some of the cost of installing this system have already been donated by club members. Additional funds are needed, and any donation (small or large) is greatly appreciated. If you can help with this initiative, please see one of the Board of Directors, or come to a Membership Meeting with your contribution.

Dates of Membership meetings are listed on the Club Calendar page.